What is Antibody Test Kit?
It’s best to test the Antibody Test Kit within one to three weeks of being positive. You will not be able to infect COVID-19 for three months if result Antibody. Antibody Test Kit is a test kit to check after 14 days of recovery from COVID-19 whether your body is immune to coronavirus or not.
After one or three weeks of testing with the Antigen Test Kit, resulting in COVID (+), it is best to use the Antibody Test Kit. Antibody is released two weeks (14 days) at the earliest, and it is best to check in two weeks.
The results are as follows.
You will find C, G, and M in the test kit.
If it appears C => Covid Antibody Negative
If it appears C and M => Positive and it’s time to isolate.
If it shown C and G => it has been positive and Immune system recovery state is optimal. Photo Source https://web.facebook.com/113003641050576/posts/120602393624034/?_rdc=1&_rdr
To test, you can use the built-in disposable needle and puncture your fingertip like the diabetic and drop two drops of blood into the disposable Rapid Test Kit. You will find the result within 15 minutes.
The results are as follows.
You will find C, G, and M in the test kit.
C means => COVID Negative
C and M mean => Positive and it’s time to isolate.
C and G mean => it has been positive and Immune system recovery state is optimal.
Source Online Charity Clinic -Health For All Facebook Page