MakerFest 2020 which features technology and robotic competitions will launch

MakerFest 2020 will launch on January 24 and 25 at Yangon and February 8 at Mandalay which features technology and robotic competitions.

MakerFest will launch on January 24 and 25 at American Center, corner of University Avenue Street and Inya Road, Kamar Yut Township, Yangon from 9 AM to 4 PM and on February 8 (Saturday) at Jefferson Center, corner of 26 and 71 street, Chan Aye Thar San Township, Mandalay from 9 AM to 4 PM. Photo Source –

The visitors are free to access to Virtual Reality (VR), 3D Printing, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Electronics, Crafts and other Interested Technical Projects at this event.

As the Head title of the MakerFest, the visitors can find the best innovative and creative ideas at the event and it is also the best place for technologists, craftsmen, those who want to handle devices, engineers, artists and the students around the nation to share ideas and experiences.

The event also includes project galleries, exhibitions, and workshops. The workshops are free to access and it will offer 3D printing, Computer, phone programming, and new knowledge that are essential for today’s era of the 21st century. Photo Source –

It can also see robotic project made by youths, traditional artworks showcase contemporary artworks, few home-made toys which can be made by self, mystery items that you have only seen online and have not seen outside. And you can cheer up your favorite team in the Robotic Competition and can also compete on your own.

Micro:bit workshop is also included in the MakerFest Workshop programs.  Micro:bit is a small computer made for makes, and students and it was created for computer programs. This computer is designed for easy to learn and use, it is one of the most useful computers in schools and universities around the world. You can learn how to write computer programming by the use of Micro:bit and can make experiment of creating computer programs with Micro:bit. Only 13 years old and above can attend and the audience is limited.

U.S. Embassy Rangoon started launching MakerFest since 2015. Those who want to attend the event need to bring a photo card and smartphones and tablets are allowed. Laptops, cameras, and accessories made with iron are not allowed to take.

Check the link below for more detail information.