The booking system can be canceled at TeleHealth Clinic and patients can be referred directly to their doctor for COVID-19

For COVID-19 disease, the booking system can be canceled at TeleHealth Clinic and patients can be referred directly to their doctor.

(4) TeleHealth COVID-19 Telegram Channel has been extended daily coverage from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for more COVID-19 patients. TeleHealth Clinic is affiliated with the National Unity Government (NUG), the Ministry of Health, which was started on (19.6.2021). Photo Source

There are two kinds of clinics in TeleHealth Clinic, (1) clinic where patients can be seen directly to their doctors, and (2) clinic where you can make a booking. Now, the booking system has been canceled after founding that the direct treatment with the doctor is more convenient for the patients than the booking system.

Patients can now get treatment directly from 8 AM to 6 PM. The number of doctors for the direct treatment system has also been increased. Due to the emergence of the third wave of COVID-19 in Myanmar, the Ministry of Health of NUG has launched four COVID-19 Telegram Channels on (16/7/2021) to provide private treatment to COVID-19 patients. From (16/7/2021) to (4/8/2021), more than 30,000 COVID-19 patients showed up. Photo Source

The four Healthy Telephone COVID-19 Telegram Channels are as follows.

COVID-19 Telegram Channel 1

COVID-19 Telegram Channel 2

COVID-19 Telegram Channel 3

COVID-19 Telegram Channel 4

TeleHealth Clinic also connected with specialists and the doctors on duty will refer the patient back to the telemedicine clinic if necessary. All TeleHealth services are open 24/7. There is also a fee for all consultations and treatment. It is free of charge. Details can be found at the following link.