Essential Guide and Best Applications for self-studying Japanese Language

The Japanese language is one of the most popular languages not only in Myanmar but also in Southeast Asian countries. As a language, it is listed as one of the most difficult languages in the world. Since Japan is populated, there are 128 million people who speak Japanese and on the list of the world’s most spoken languages, it stands as number 13th following behind the German language. Likewise, for a Burmese person, the Japanese language is a difficult one.

Words are one the main reasons that make the Japanese language difficult to learn. In the Japanese language, there are 3 types of writing and all of 3 are combined and used. They are Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Hiragana is a Japanese traditional alphabet, and it has a round shape. Katakana is square-shaped alphabets, and it is used for Foreign Loans words such as “coffee, knife”. Japanese language pronunciation is not a big deal for a Burmese. Hiragana and Katakana must be pronounced for each letter, not pronouncing after the combination of alphabets and vowels. As usual, Kanji must be memorized since there is no such fixed pronunciation. Photo Source

As the Japanese language is certainly similar to the Burmese language, it is such a partial relief for the grammar for Burmese people, though the words are hard. Like in the Burmese language, they have subject makers, object makers, besides, they too even have the same pronunciation as Burmese and so, it is good to point for Burmese people. Except for the point that there is too much formality, and the grammar is a little difficult, the Japanese language can be considered as an easy language. To point out the difficult part in grammar, it is the changes in verbs, and it has grammar case.

Two online applications to study the Japanese language are also mentioned in the following.

(1) MinaNo Nihongo 50 Lessons

This application is useful in practicing speaking in sound for new Japanese vocabularies and grammatical things. This is convenient for beginners and also useful for advanced conversations. The application includes Japanese vocabularies, phrases, and 50 Japanese pronunciation lessons and moreover, there are lessons that can be download and listen to later. The application can be checked at the link below.

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(2) Japanese Study (hiragana+katakana)

The strength of this application is that there are many lessons for katakana. Each pronouncing lesson can be listened to and learned and altogether, Japanese alphabets can be learned by writing. So, this application is also one of the useful applications.