Instant Fixed Deposit with interest in advance is available at CB Bank branches

CB Bank has announced that customers will be able to enjoy high-interest rates in advance with Instant Fixed Deposit at CB Bank branches.

Customers can open an Instant Fixed Deposit account by connecting to their old account, special account, or cash payment.

The deposit period is 6 months, and 12 months with an interest rate of 8.5% for 6 months, and 9% for 12 months. From now on, CB Bank customers can now open an Instant Fixed Deposit account of CB Bank which allows customers to withdraw interest in advance. Photo Source

Queries for the information on CB Bank cards are available on the Viber platform, Viber Chatbot Service for CB Bank customers. Customers will also need to install the Viber application for checking the remaining balance, transaction activity, monthly cash balance and to access this service.

Visit the link below to learn more about how to use CB Bank Viber Chatbot.