Notice on Ganocan (Lingzhi) fraudulent sale

FAME Pharmaceuticals has issued a notice regarding the fraudulent sale of Ganocan (Lingzhi).

Some consumers have contacted FAME that “COVID patients and those who are deprived of oxygen are being sold at a high price without disclosing the type of drug. They also found the FAME Labels on the capsules” on Facebook Groups related to COVID-19 these days.

In an investigation into the incident, vendors were given 10 to 15 capsules a day of unknown drugs to replenish oxygen. It has been found that the capsules are being sold at exorbitant prices for 1,000 kyats per pack and that the capsules are FAME brand Ganocan (Lingzhi). A pack of Ganocan (Lingzhi) costs 100 kyats and a pack of 60 pills costs 6,000 kyats. Photo Source

In case, we call for an immediate end to the illegal use of FAME drugs for illicit profit to people who are worried about their health, who don’t know about medicine and honest people from far away cities. If further investigation is found, we will proceed in accordance with the law.

Therefore, it is shown with pictures to make consumers aware and aware of these processes. If you have any questions or if you find anything suspicious about FAME, we would like you to contact FAME Customer Service 09 95 500 5000.