Essential MyanLearn Applications students and those who are finding trainings

Nowadays, it is not sufficient just with a degree in education since the competition between them is pretty tough. For this, we have to continue training. We have to find out classes and institutes which we have to attend. We have to know in advance about the training fees. We can attend what training we want to attend and can help brothers and sisters and friends in doing so.

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Nowadays, almost everyone is using mobile phones, so we can find easily from the internet. In finding training, it will be easier to find in one place that it also saves time and effort. It is very useful for students who have just graduated and youths. In the Myan Learn App, it is displayed in cost for popular schools and training.

Photos Source- Screenshot by Myanmar Tech Press

In Myan Learn application, there are domestic schools, languages, economy and account, computer and IT, music, sports, and beauty, preparing for examinations, hobbies, and interest. For ages (2) and (5), for ages (6) and (15) and standards (9) and (10) students for concert stages. To attend the training, schools which are giving special discounts, special classes are mentioned in detail. We can again read appraisals of those who had attended training. We can keep the contents which we want in the applications and share them with other people.You can read the articles concerning education which will get knowledge. You keep interesting articles. It is convenient to use the app and you can invite your friends to MyanLearn App.

The main performances are

  • To keep and share the discounts which are interesting for the training
  • To read the review of those who have attended the training
  • To know the discounts for training
  • To keep and read educational articles
  • To indicate MyanLearn App to friends
  • To get the marks and get promotions
  • To get the medals
  • The data of training (time and money)
  • Finding the compliment at the same place
  • Completing the subjects from hobby to diploma training
  • To find out what you will be teaching for syllables for whom it is suitable
  • To see the recompense of training
  • To relate the reviews of those who have attended the training


Photos Source- Screenshot by Myanmar Tech Press

MyanLearn App Link below to install it.