Myanmar Freelance Hub for Freelancers looking for freelance jobs
People are working for freelance jobs that match their skill sets during their free time as those jobs can help them earn extra cash and gain knowledge and experiences. Moreover, earning extra cash can benefit your household in some way. Therefore, finding suitable part-time/ freelance jobs that match your skills is also important.
In Myanmar, there are more full-time jobs than part-time jobs at the moment. Almost everyone is working at those full-time jobs in Myanmar but for some people, they are working part-time and freelance jobs during their free time or making some free time from their schedule.
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Part-time jobs include working part-time at Restaurant and other services but for some people, they apply for part-time jobs where you can work Online during your free time. Most of the people apply mostly for jobs which they can apply online and work online as it will not affect their full-time jobs.
For those who are currently attending universities or classes but want to work freelance, Online/ work-from-home jobs will be suitable for them since they can start using their skills and knowledge. Moreover, knowing all the websites where you can apply for freelance jobs will be an advantage as you can also share those websites with your friends.
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Most of the freelance jobs which most freelancers apply online are Freelance Content Writer, Freelance Designer, Freelance Translator, etc. In applying for those jobs, it is important to choose the one that matches your skill sets and the freelancing environment needs to be perfect for freelancers. Having a good working environment will attract freelancers to work long-term and give them enjoyment.
There are many websites online where you can apply for both international and local jobs. It can become a good opportunity if freelancers can apply for freelance jobs such as Translation, Content Writing, Data entry, Typing, Creative writing, Logo Design, Graphic design, Video Recording & Editing jobs which match their hobby and skillsets.
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Myanmar Freelance Hub Website is where freelancers can mostly apply for translation jobs and are suitable for those who like to write and who have experience in translation. You will see all the updates of freelance jobs just by after the Myanmar Freelance Hub Facebook page. Myanmar Freelance Hub Website is also updating with available translation jobs daily.
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You can apply for freelance jobs which are updated daily on Myanmar Freelance Hub by registering at the website. The job duration and the estimated budget will also be described at Myanmar Freelance Hub website. For example, if you apply for a translation freelance job, you have to submit a sample of your translation when you apply for that job. Step by step way of how to register at the Myanmar Freelance Hub is also stated below.
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Firstly, open the link stated and clicks the box at the right corner. Then click ‘How to Use’. After that, click ‘Register to here’ to register an account first. In Create a Free Freelancer Account, type in the name that you wish to appear in your account, your Email address to log in, your address, your Password with a minimum of 8 to register. After that, click ‘Register’ to register.
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After successfully register, will send Email to your email account and click the Activate your account from the email. When you are inside the Myanmar Freelance Hub website, click the box at the right corner and choose My Account à Edit Profile to edit your profile account. In the Edit Profile page, you have to fill in your Name, Phone Number, Working Experience, Education and skillet, Current City and Profile Picture and click Update. Then you will have your complete profile account.
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After registering, you have to click the box at the right corner of to apply for freelance jobs. Click Log in from there and type in your Email Address and Password to login to the website. When you are on the website, click the Register to Work and apply for jobs added in the website. Firstly, click the Search Project and all the jobs sorted according to the project will be displayed. You can scroll down and search for projects. If you found the project that you want to apply, click the title to view the details.
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For each project, the estimated budget and duration will be displayed and you also have to fill in your expected budget, duration and a short proposal for your employer and Click the Submit Proposal. If you see your account name under the project, your job application has successfully submitted.
The project owner will choose the freelancer who has a complete proposal and who will be suitable for the project by going through all the proposals. If you are accepted, you will receive an email. Moreover, if you are accepted for the project, contacts of you and the project owner will be shared to have a discussion about the project.
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You can contact the employer if you think you made a mistake in the project after submitting it and the payment for each project will be transferred to you via Bank or Wave money.