A partner of Online Shopping businesses, ZM Delivery Service (Interview with Ko Pyae Sone Win, Marketing manager of ZM Delivery Service)

ZM Delivery Service is a delivery service, becoming popular among online shopping businesses. It is trusted by online shopping businesses and a delivery service that has earned the trust of online shopping businesses.

ZM Delivery Service was started on 12 July 2021. It has opened branches in Yangon and Mandalay and has representatives in 22 other cities.

Ko Pyae Sone Win, Marketing Manager of ZM Delivery Service said “We did other businesses first and my friends as well. The conditions of our previous work not quite going well lately. With the remaining employees from my previous work, I started this business with my remaining members as I also want to give them jobs. We didn’t start as a delivery service business at the beginning, but we research the difficulties mostly found in the delivery service and online shopping businesses in the market. After researching the market, we tried to build the best delivery service for the customers that can work with commitment.” Photo…ZM Delivery Service မှ Marketing Manger ကိုပြည့်စုံဝင်း

The delivery service charge rates are classified according to the townships in Yangon and according to the weight of the package for other cities. In fact, the main target of ZM Delivery Service is online shopping businesses. However, we are also delivering items for individual customers with confidence. There are more than 40 online shopping businesses currently working together.

“Our delivery service provides payment in advance to online shopping businesses. We also deliver within two days of picking up the item for Yangon. It usually takes up 5 to 7 days for other cities,” he added.

We are improving our business operations and after reaching the fixed number of monthly deliveries, we will develop mobile app and website.

“We, ZM Delivery Service, can guarantee loss and damage of packages. To ensure, systems have been set up and we have a list of all items and delivery dates since its inception. We can completely guarantee the loss of packages. We do not accept illegal packages and perishable items. Service rates are also fixed with 3 Kg. We will charge 500 kyats per kg if the package exceeds 3 kg,” he added.

ZM Delivery Service is mostly used by online shopping businesses in Yangon and Mandalay and will continue to carry out promotional programs in the future. As ZM Delivery Service was a pre-paid delivery service, there were some problems with money fraud at the beginning of the business. Photo Source https://www.facebook.com/ZMExpressServices

“There are scams sometimes and we have faced four or five hundred thousand per month. Later, we set the rules that is we no longer pay more than 30,000 kyats in advance, and pick up packages on street, at home, and we only pick up packages at home or at the inventory. With these rules, there mostly are not scams,” he explained.

Another problem is that ZM Delivery Service is a medium-sized business and there is an imbalance in staffing and delivery. When the number of employees is increased to deliver packages, the number of order number got decreased. We will work to make a better delivery service and will continue to work to gain the trust of online shopping businesses.

“I’m also grateful to Online Shopping businesses who have been trusted working together with us. I would like to say that we will provide the best services for online shopping that will continue to work with. We contact and apologize for delivering late a few days. We value trust and would like to encourage you to work with us as an online shopping partner. You will not be disappointed,” Ko Pyae Sone Win added.

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