Telenor Myanmar marked ‘Stop Cyberbullying Day’


In commemoration of ‘Stop Cyberbullying Day’ which falls on 21 st  June 2019, Telenor

Myanmar organized an online safety educational talk today at Yankin Education College in

Yangon. The event was co-organized by Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO)

and attended by more than 800 students.


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Stop Cyberbullying Day is an internationally recognized day of awareness and activities, taking

place annually on every third Friday of June. It encourages people around the world to show

their commitment toward a truly inclusive and diverse online environment for all – without fear

of personal threats, harassment or abuse. Each year, Stop Cyberbullying Day brings together

corporations, educational institutions, media outlets, non-profit organizations, governments and

public figures to speak out against cyberbullying and digital abuse of any kind and defend our

human right to freedom of speech while adhering to the basic principle of mutual respect for


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“Equipping the children and teenagers with the knowledge of how to use internet responsibly

and effectively will be one of the best investments that we can do for the future of our country.

This is one of the endeavors we made in empowering our societies and making sure that they

can enjoy the full advantages of being connected. We strongly believe that this online safety

education talk will bring benefits to not only the students but also the future teachers studying at

Yankin Education College,” said Daw Khin Pyait Wonn Thaw Tar, the head of Corporate

Responsibility at Telenor Myanmar.

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Since contributing in building foundations towards digital Myanmar is high in the agenda of

Telenor Myanmar, the company’s Safe Internet programme was launched in 2016 and to date,

over 300,000 students across Myanmar have been trained on how to use the internet effectively

and safely.


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For Stop Cyberbullying Day 2018, Telenor Myanmar has also launched an online curriculum

called Digiworld, designed to educate the children and their families how to use internet safely

and responsibly with interesting and interactive ways.