Freelance jobs and Myanmar (Introduction)

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What is a freelance job? Freelance job is a self-employed job that can be done for the particular expert field of online. A self-employed job is something people don’t need to work with papers and contracts for a long-time; they can work freely in their free time.

How does Freelance job platform work?

It works in a very simple and easy manner. We will register in some freelance websites and fill the necessary profile. Then, we can start applying a job. The employers will hire you if your qualifications meet their requirements. When you have finished their assigned project, you can just withdraw your money with the specified payment system.

Who can apply for this job?

Any expert from their respective fields can apply the job.
It is suitable for students, people who need a temporary job before getting their permanent one or people who need external income despite having permanent jobs. It is especially suitable for housewives in Myanmar.

Advantages of Freelance job are

No. 1: can work at home

No. 2: can manage the time as desired

No. 3: can work just having one expertise field

There aren’t many disadvantages to mention in particular.

Depending on your working rate, the income can be varied.

What will be the benefits?

Having a job that you are interested in and expert at can make the appropriate income.

You can spend your free time in an effective way.

Your pay rate will be increased obviously as long as you become well-known in that particular job.

Some facts about freelancers

According to the survey, the maximum percentage among freelancers is Writers and the remaining percentage is a Web development, Designer, Translating, Marketing and so on. There are still many other freelance fields.

The reasons of men and women working as a freelancer are different.

Men work for their interest and hobby while women work to be independent.

Students like us work to earn our own pocket money.

Will it work in Myanmar?

It goes on quite well as there are also Freelance websites in Myanmar.

For example, there are websites like

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Pages and groups about freelance can be found easily on Facebook. Job opportunities and news are updated every hour and minute.

According to the stream of developing technology, Freelance jobs become well-known in Myanmar and there are a lot of call-for-jobs in respective fields. It is such a good news!

Let us conclude our introduction here as further detailed information about freelance jobs and websites will be updated as much as we can.