Myanmar blood application for blood donors and donee

In the social environment, people who are in urgent need of blood donors are often discovered. It is very difficult to find when one of the family members or acquaintances is in emergency need of blood. Even after the donor has been found, if the blood types do not match and the test has a failure, it will be delayed to patients and can have problems. Myanmar Blood Mobile Application is helping between those who need blood in a short time and the fastest time to act, and those in need of blood in a Mobile Application who want to donate blood should carry useful for the application. Later, Myanmar Blood Mobile Application users who don’t know that there is an easy to use with the two steps below.

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First, go and search Myanmar Blood Application in play Store and Install. When you open the application to start, you will see “search for the needed blood here” and then select the desired blood type.

Photo Source- Screenshot by Myanmar Tech Press

And then, once you open the location, click “Search for location”, you will see nearby blood donor’s name and phone number. You can either call blood donors directly for help or if you are still in need of blood, you can notify the other donors by filling out location, phone numbers, and reasons. After sending, the donor side will be able to see your contents.

Photo Source- Screenshot by Myanmar Tech Press

Some charitable to those who urgently need your blood donation, they are eager to help. To do that, you can fill your information about the phone number, blood type and township of residence in Myanmar Blood Application. You can sign in via Facebook. If expressly provided in an emergency need for blood when the patient is near its residents are able to donate. For those who need blood will see a notification to be sent via Myanmar Blood Application access into Myanmar Blood Facebook Page, you can send suggestions on the content of which is related to the Application. Myanmar Blood Application to use IOS and Android phones. Click the following link to access it.

Photo Source- Screenshot by Myanmar Tech Press