The Most Popular Programming Languages for Myanmar Programmers

Since today is the IT age, Programming (the work of program building for the functions of computers) is a really promising job. One who wants to do programming must know some main programming languages. Among various programming languages around the world, if you know two or three types in detail, becoming an efficient programmer is at hand. In this article, I will give a brief presentation about the most popular and most useful 10 programming languages for Myanmar programmers.

  • Java Script

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This programming language is the most popular one. It is useful in building major online video games, live websites and widget and application for Android and computers. With Java Script Engine, it is also useful in supporting modern search websites which do not need plugins.

  • Python

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From my point of view, Python is the programming language which becomes famous in Myanmar. The widespread Python programming language features dynamic type system and automatic memory management.

  • Java

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Although Java and Java Script are in the Top Ten list according to Programming Language Research, the two are totally different. Java initiated in 1991 is a language that is often used till now. It can be used in developing normal and small website application.

  • CSS

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CSS is an abbreviation of Cascading Style Sheets. Like the word “style sheet”, style can be involved in presenting correct words and facts. CSS is a programming language used by most websites for main pages of the users of website and mobile application and new search websites.

  • Ruby

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Ruby is one who wants to develop simple website application relies on. As it is simple, it is easy to read and write this language. Like Python, it features dynamic type system and automatic memory management.

  • PHP

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PHP is used as a general programming language. It is initiated in 1994 and the long form is Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP can be used in website management system and for framework. It is also an open source scripting language.

  • C++

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C++, innovated in 1985, is an extension of a programming language called C. C++ is useful for computer applications, servers, new functions and applications.

  • C

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C, the origin of C++, is created in around 1970. It is an early programming language which is useful in every place. It has been useful till now.

  • C#

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This one is created by Microsoft. It is also considered as an opponent programming language of Java. It is also known as C-sharp.

  • Typescript

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It is also developed by Microsoft and started using in 2012. It is a language connected with Java to develop major applications.

If you want to know more details about above programming languages, I would encourage you to google them. Thank you for your time.

Writer- Khin Nyein Chan

Translated by Nyeinn Sandi